Vimeo/album + shotstack + bubble

I am finalizing my application that integrates SHOTSTACK, VIMEO, and BUBBLE. I would like to know if it is possible to transfer videos via API to VIMEO, saving the files directly into a specific pre-selected folder on VIMEO. I couldn’t find this functionality mentioned in VIMEO’s documentation.

I am looking for something similar to the integration process you offer with Google Drive, where it is possible to select a specific folder for file uploads.

Could you help me with this functionality or provide more information on how to implement this specific transfer to folders within VIMEO via API?

Hi @MauroLobo.

Yes we have a Vimeo integration you can use, but currently it does not support choosing a folder.

Can you explain to me your use case? It may be possible for us to add this in if this is helpful.

Otherwise you can use our Vimeo integration to upload the video to Vimeo, then use a Vimeo API call to move it to a separate folder:

Your project sounds intriguing! Integrating Shotstack, Vimeo, and Bubble could lead to some exciting possibilities.

Regarding your inquiry about transferring videos to Vimeo via API and saving them directly into a specific pre-selected folder, it seems that Vimeo’s API doesn’t currently offer this functionality out of the box. While it’s not explicitly mentioned in their documentation, there are alternative approaches we can explore.

One option is to handle the organization of videos after they’ve been uploaded. We can upload the videos to Vimeo through the API and then use subsequent API calls or scripts to move them to the desired folder. While this adds an extra step, it could still automate much of the process.

Another possibility is to use metadata or tags to categorize your videos within Vimeo. While they won’t be physically stored in separate folders, you can use these labels to logically group your content and make it easier to manage.

If these solutions don’t quite fit your needs, we could consider more customized integrations or third-party services that offer greater control over Vimeo’s features. However, these options may involve additional development effort and possibly incur extra costs.

I think you have an access token with appropriate permissions. The ID of the target folder where you want to upload the video. The Vimeo upload endpoint to upload the video and specify the folder ID.