Subtitle glitch

I am using your recommended method of adding text-shadow: Text flat drop shadow video template — Shotstack

But I am facing a glitch where in some of my videos, The white text is in front and in some the black text is in front.

What I want is to always have the black text at the back and white text at the front to get the look of the text-shadow

Please let me know what I can do to fix this.


Here is my Json:

  "asset": {
    "type": "html",
    "html": "<p> Vous  comptez  les  minutes</p>",
    "css": "p { font-family: 'Open Sans'; font-size: 85px; color: white; font-weight: bold; background: transparent; z-index: 2;}",
    "width": 950,
    "height": 400
  "start": 0,
  "length": 0.96,
  "position": "bottom",
  "offset": {
    "x": 0,
    "y": 0.2
  "asset": {
    "type": "html",
    "html": "<p> Vous  comptez  les  minutes</p>",
    "css": "p { font-family: 'Open Sans'; font-size: 85px; color: black; font-weight: bold; background: transparent; z-index: 1;}",
    "width": 950,
    "height": 400
  "start": 0,
  "length": 0.96,
  "position": "bottom",
  "offset": {
    "x": 0.002,
    "y": 0.198

It only allows me to add one picture, thus I am adding the picture where subtitle is not in correct order. (black Is in front)

Here is how the correct one looks like:

That’s really odd. Your code looks correct and should always have white in front of black.

I tried your code and it gave me the correct result:

Is it possible to share the uuid of the video that has the black in front?


“id”: “40bd5899-034b-4e07-94fc-52c9f0f9d8bd”