I cannot get my videos to be put in the back. The text is always behind the video. Is there no Z-Order?


The video is always in front. After working at it for a day or so, I cannot figure out how to send videos to the back.

This is what I have in my video processor

const timeline = {
    background: '#000000',
    tracks: [

And this is my server.

    // Process video with Shotstack
    console.log('Processing video...');
    const processedVideo = processVideo(videoClips, script, highlights, style, audioUrl, audioDuration, aspectRatio, theme);
    console.log('Video processed successfully');

    // Create final video with Shotstack
    console.log('Creating final video...');
    const renderId = await shotstack.createVideo(processedVideo, API_KEYS.SHOTSTACK_API_KEY);
    console.log('Video render queued. Render ID:', renderId);

    // Poll for video completion
    console.log('Polling for video completion...');
    const videoUrl = await shotstack.pollRenderStatus(renderId, API_KEYS.SHOTSTACK_API_KEY);
    console.log('Video rendering completed. URL:', videoUrl);

    res.json({ script, audioUrl, videoUrl, aspectRatio, theme });
} catch (error) {
    console.error('Error creating video:', error);
    res.status(500).json({ error: error.message });

A Z-order would be great to have in the API

Tracks are rendered in the order provided, so it looks like you have them the wrong way around. I’d order them like this:

const timeline = {
    background: '#000000',
    tracks: [

Now the textOverlayTrack is first in the array and should render on top of of the video. The audio is invisible so it doesn’t really matter where that goes.

Thank you that worked.