The video is always in front. After working at it for a day or so, I cannot figure out how to send videos to the back.
This is what I have in my video processor
const timeline = {
background: '#000000',
tracks: [
And this is my server.
// Process video with Shotstack
console.log('Processing video...');
const processedVideo = processVideo(videoClips, script, highlights, style, audioUrl, audioDuration, aspectRatio, theme);
console.log('Video processed successfully');
// Create final video with Shotstack
console.log('Creating final video...');
const renderId = await shotstack.createVideo(processedVideo, API_KEYS.SHOTSTACK_API_KEY);
console.log('Video render queued. Render ID:', renderId);
// Poll for video completion
console.log('Polling for video completion...');
const videoUrl = await shotstack.pollRenderStatus(renderId, API_KEYS.SHOTSTACK_API_KEY);
console.log('Video rendering completed. URL:', videoUrl);
res.json({ script, audioUrl, videoUrl, aspectRatio, theme });
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error creating video:', error);
res.status(500).json({ error: error.message });
A Z-order would be great to have in the API