We are serving an API to merge 2 videos and then send the merged video link to our AWS S3 bucket.
We are able to do it successfully, but we are seeing that for each API call, our disk space in ShotStack account is not getting cleared and instead its increasing.
So, what we need is that, we do not want to store the merged video link to ShotStack account. So is it possible?
By default all videos are sent to the Shotstack video hosting destination. If you have not done so already, as well as specifying your own S3 bucket destination you need to exclude the Shotstack destination. That is detailed in the docs here: Opt-out from Shotstack Hosting | Shotstack Documentation.
You just need to add this to your destinations array:
"provider": "shotstack",
"exclude": true
You can also delete existing files using the Serve API like this: Manage Hosted Assets withe the Serve API | Shotstack Documentation
If you have a lot of videos and want to delete all of them let us know and we can do that for you.