Do Webhooks work with Staging?

I put in webhook and have created the page. I do not see any sort of logging for this. I do not want to try and fix this if it does not work with staging.

Callbacks work with both staging and production. Once the render is complete it will send a POST request to the URL in the callback property of your JSON.

I also am not getting any events posted to my callback URL in staging.

The renders are completing fine and the video file is available but the webhook doesnt seem to be reaching my callback URL.

I’ve also posted to the webhook URL from curl in terminal and it works fine:

curl https://www.****.com/shotstack-events.php -X POST -d ‘{hello}’

We’ve just tested the endpoints and they appear to be working on our side. If you could share more of your code I can see what may be going on.

If you provide a render ID we can see in the logs if there are any connection issues, timeouts or retries. and also make sure your JSON is correct.

Thanks for the response.

Here’s one of the render ids: 1934272e-6603-41bf-96b7-81c9be4e5970

I’m assuming the JSON and code is fine as the video file is rendering fine.

Hi was anyone able to check if the webhook for rendering ID


was posted?

Or is there anyway to debug this from our end.


I checked the logs for your request and it appears to have gone through. We also received a correct response code.

2022-07-11T10:41:17.737Z	086b9d7c-3ca2-5957-b9b2-c63a3cdc2c05	INFO	Sending callback to:
2022-07-11T10:41:17.756Z	086b9d7c-3ca2-5957-b9b2-c63a3cdc2c05	INFO	Payload:  {
  type: 'edit',
  action: 'render',
  id: '1934272e-6603-41bf-96b7-81c9be4e5970',
  owner: 'xbj7iqv0bf',
  status: 'done',
  url: '',
  poster: null,
  thumbnail: null,
  error: null,
  completed: '2022-07-11T10:41:17.260Z'
2022-07-11T10:41:18.715Z	086b9d7c-3ca2-5957-b9b2-c63a3cdc2c05	INFO	Callback successfully delivered.

If you can share your handler we can take a look if you’d like?

@dazzatron I have the same issue, is there anything to add in the callback hook? the endpoint works well when I execute manually, I need your help.

This is an id: 241c25cb-90a2-4af5-8896-d882dabab286

@amunoz your callback was sent out ok but we got a 403 response back.

2022-09-12T16:56:03.776Z	2ade5905-4901-584d-a72a-029c2fdae748	INFO	Payload:  {
  type: 'edit',
  action: 'render',
  id: '241c25cb-90a2-4af5-8896-d882dabab286',
  owner: 'juza5covki',
  status: 'done',
  url: '',
  poster: null,
  thumbnail: null,
  error: null,
  completed: '2022-09-12T16:55:26.763Z'
2022-09-12T16:56:03.923Z	122f455d-2091-528b-8ae7-1ec44640feab	INFO	Sending callback to:  https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/api/videos/status/update
2022-09-12T16:56:04.608Z	2ade5905-4901-584d-a72a-029c2fdae748	ERROR	Callback POST failed with status code: 403
2ade5905-4901-584d-a72a-029c2fdae748	INFO	Callback requeued.

Make sure to respond with a 200-399 HTTP status code. Otherwise we requeue the webhook response. More information on retries here: